Xiaohan Zhu

Xiaohan Zhu

Graduate Student

University of California, Berkeley


Xiaohan Zhu graduated from Tsinghua University in 2022 majoring in Engineering Mechanics. She is in Tsien Excellence in Engineering Program, the best engineering program in China providing challenging courses and interdisciplinary research traning. She has genuine passion for life science and is fascinated by the simple, elegant laws that emerging from complex biological systems and dynamical process. Xiaohan works extensively in laboratory and has rich research experience in biophysics (community dynamics, including assembly, coalescence, etc), analytical chemistry (chromatography, etc), etc.

Xiaohan is now a 1st year rotation student from UC Berkeley Biophysics PhD program.

Xiaohan believes that a more diversified and comprehensive knowledge system, solid mathematical and mechanical basis and various research experience in college CAN help her obtain better insight into life science, bring innovative perspectives to biological field and carry out distinguishing research in the long run. And she is passionate about solving biological problems with her comprehensive knowledge in engineering, math, etc.

In her free time, she loves outdoor recreation, running, and rope skipping. She was a member of the THU Rope-skipping Freestyle Team, and won the championship for two consecutive years in THU Ma Yuehan Cup Women 60-sec single-jump speed race.

Download my CV.

  • Bio + Myself!
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Graduted in 2022

    Tsinghua University

  • 1st year Biophysics Graduate Program, Enrolled in 2022

    UC Berkeley

Academic Experience & Awards

THU Natural Science and Informational Science Interdisciplinary Innovation Team (THU-NSISIIT)
Oct 2020 – Oct 2021 Tsinghua Univ, Beijing, China
  • THU-NSISIIT a student innovation research team of 70 students from 10 faculties. Our team focus on multi-dimensional interdisciplinary research in the field of natural science (including physics, biology, neuroscience, etc.) and informational science. The team create a platform and financially supporting the students for interdisciplinary research.
  • The team is one of the 22 top student innovation teams of Tsinghua University.
  • Xiaihan served as the first chairman of the team by hosting events and inviting distinguished speakers.
Core Committee Member & Leader of Volunteers
Jun 2019 – Aug 2019 Tsinghua Univ, Beijing, China
  • As the first international scientific conference totally hosted by students in Tsinghua University, INASCON lasted for 4 days, had more than 150 local and international attendees and invited 9 distinguished keynote speakers.
  • Xiaohan served as the team leader of all the volunteers and the core member of the committee.
Honors & Awards
Sep 2016 – Present Tsinghua Univ, Beijing, China


  • THU General Excellence Scholarship for the academic year
  • Guo Zengyuan Scholarship
  • THU Science & Technology Innovation Excellence Scholarship


  • THU General Excellence Scholarship for the academic year
  • Academic Excellence Scholarship of THU 2019:
  • THU General Excellence Scholarship for the academic year
  • Academic Excellence Scholarship of THU
  • Volunteer Excellence Scholarship of THU


  • 1st Class Scholarship for Freshmen of THU